BeeWaTec Blog
Knowledge and tips on processes, lean production, ergonomics and more.
Note: The blog is currently in the process of being set up and will be continuously updated with new posts and topics.
The 6S Method - How to improve the efficiency and safety of your workplace

In today's fast-paced work environment, efficiency and organization are critical to the success of any business. An inefficient work environment can...
What is the 5S method? 5S in lean management simply explained

In today's business world, efficient working plays a central role. One proven method for optimizing workplace organization is the 5S method. But what...
Ergonomic workstation design - 8 tips for industry

Ergonomic workstation design promotes safety, health and performance (= goals of ergonomics) at the workstation and is part of the Workplace...
Ergonomics at the workstation - definition & examples for preventive occupational health and safety

Ergonomics is more and more included in the language use of many companies as it deals with the performance, health and safety of employees. Many...